Thursday, September 29, 2005


Another African story (sort of)

I've been reading a story from an old friend of mine and it got me thinking again on why I like a place like Tanzania so much.

Walking down the driveway after finishing cell group, past the neighbours inside their comfy houses, getting into the extension of personal space called a car, driving to an intersection and making sure to get out of the way of other people...

Each day the cycle begins again, people getting along with their own lives by themselves, either avoiding or devouring each other...

It's different in a place out there like Africa. If you isolate yourself you die. Physically and perhaps swiftly.

I guess it's the same rules in the western world too - but you die only one day at a time.

Maybe it's the rich sense of community in Tanzanian villages that I miss...

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Things have been happening lately

Charles Dickens once wrote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."

While I'm not French and the country here isn't quite in the throes of a revolution, this little sentiment sums things up quite well.

A couple of weeks ago the people of New Zealand has spoken - but right now the fate of this country hangs in the balance.

Job's fine, got sent to Microsoft TechEd for a few days.

The Silver Bullet is no longer in my possession - it was sold :)

Preparing my way to go back to my African "home", this time for three months...

My parents have just about to embark on (in their eyes) the Mother Of All Property Development Projects - guess who's doing their website?

With quite a few more things going on too, stress levels have generally been elevated somewhat, but this is the part where great friends come in to the picture...