Sunday, October 02, 2005


Another curly thought

A friend left the following statement in response to my previous post:
"The ideas of omnipotence and omniscience seem to be ones that Jesus didn't necessarily believe in. They are later categories ascribed to god...Those ideas are certainly present in some level of god's story, but I'm not sure how we're meant to deal with them."
I'd like to put in my "instant-noodle" cooked thoughts on that matter:

J-s-s probably doesn't believe in the ideas of the omni*s since #1. He chucked it away while on Earth to fulfill his mandate as the Son of Man, and, #2. He probably doesn't know anyway...

Before you bring out the stake, petrol and rope, I'll explain #2 further:
Could it be that humanity serves as a point of reference and sounding-board in G-d's journey of self-discovery?

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